Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Hey girls! So I have been watching a lot of YouTube videos lately (like always) and I have bumped into a lot of twilight fans and such...and I mean I saw the movie and totally fell in LOVE with it! but I have come to realize that I am probably the only girl that has not read the books! I know right!? :( Everyone is obsessed with them. Soooo I have come to the point were I am tired of hearing how amazing these books are and I want to read them for myself! ugh! I can not wait! Does anybody understand me?

OXOX, Adriana


mizzworthy said...

I know - not seen the film yet but I'm reading the first book currently and really enjoying it. It's made me want to watch the film though, but I know from experience books are usually better! xxx

Adriana said...

Really? The movie was amazing! I can not wait to read the book :)