XOXO, Adriana
makeup hauls, reviews, tutorials
XOXO, Adriana
Posted by Adriana at 6:23 PM 1 comments
As you may all kind of tell...I LOVE MAC, but it seems like everyone else has been to an actual MAC store except for me! So this past weekend I finally got to step into one yay. It was the most amazing experience in my life my mom got here makeup done she bought a couple of stuff and we all had fun :D The makeup artists there are so much friendlier than the dumb ones from the stands in like Macy's and such. Everything was just so much cooler. This right here just made my year. hehe <3
OXOX, Adriana
Posted by Adriana at 3:36 PM 2 comments
Hey girls! So I have been watching a lot of YouTube videos lately (like always) and I have bumped into a lot of twilight fans and such...and I mean I saw the movie and totally fell in LOVE with it! but I have come to realize that I am probably the only girl that has not read the books! I know right!? :( Everyone is obsessed with them. Soooo I have come to the point were I am tired of hearing how amazing these books are and I want to read them for myself! ugh! I can not wait! Does anybody understand me?
OXOX, Adriana
Posted by Adriana at 3:26 PM 2 comments
Hey girls I just did another tutorial today since my other one I have been getting amazing comments so I am definitely going to do a lot more! Thank to all much followers on here and my wonderful subscribers on YouTube. I am so close to reaching 100 subbies so I am so excited and very thankful for every one of them :) If you guys have any request I would be more than happy to get right to them. Hope you all are having an awesome day! Hope you guys like my look. Please watch my videos for the products I used :)
OXOX, Adriana
Posted by Adriana at 8:52 PM 2 comments
Hey girls I did a Valentines Day look today since it is right around the corner! February is my most fav month probably because of Valentines Day and my birthday on Feb. 23! Woot woot! So go check out my YouTube channel and tell me what you guys think. Oh and it took a lot of guts for me to post it simply because it was so dramatic and I did not know if people would like it but so far I have been getting positive comments so I am very happy!
OXOX, Adriana
Posted by Adriana at 8:47 PM 5 comments
Posted by Adriana at 8:03 PM 2 comments
Hey Girls! So I finally decided to begin blogging! I am very new to this I have no idea how I am going to make it work but I am going to try. So first of all my name is Adriana :) I recently started my own make-up channel on YOUTUBE. So far I have reached almost 70 subscribers (not a whole lot but very exciting for me) on my channel I mostly have haul videos and I am trying to do some tutorials here and there. I am not a professional nor do I want to be. Just here to have fun and enjoy what I love the most...MAKE-UP!! It is just something that makes me happy. I find myself playing with it like if I were a little kid with a toy, but that is what it is what else can say I am pretty much addicted! On this blog I am going to be posting put reviews, hauls, and whatever else I want...ENJOY!
Please visit my channel:
XOXO, Adriana
Posted by Adriana at 9:11 PM 1 comments